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Notice to applicants. The Apostille Convention comes into effect in Canada on January 11, 2024

Notice to applicants. The Apostille Convention comes into effect in Canada on January 11, 2024.

On January 11, 2024, the Apostille came into effect in Canada.

The Apostille makes official documents issued by Canadian Authorities valid, without further steps, in all Countries that adhere to the Convention, including Italy.

Starting January 11, 2024, an official document issued in Canada by Canadian authorities will be “apostilled”– that is, endowed with an Apostille certificate – and will be henceforth considered valid in Italy, without having to request legalization from the competent Italian Consulate.

Information regarding the entry into effect of the Apostille Convention has been made available by the Canadian authorities at this link. Careful reading is recommended.

Please note that this Consulate General is NOT responsible for the Apostille service, which is provided exclusively by the competent Canadian Authorities.

For documents issued in Quebec, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Justice of Quebec.

For information regarding apostilles on documents issued by the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nuvavut, please refer to Global Affairs Canada.

The Consulate General is currently updating various sections of its website to reflect the modifications determined by the application of the Apostille Convention.