On March 9, 2020, Giuseppe Conte, President of the Italian Council of Ministers, approved the introduction of additional measures (DPCM 9 marzo 2020 – english) to contain and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy. The new legislation extends the measures approved on March 8 (DPCM 8 marzo 2020 – english) to the entire country.
On March 11, 2020, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte issued a new special order (the so-called #IoRestoaCasa Decree) with measures to contain and manage the COVID-19 emergency, which have been implemented throughout the country.
In accordance with the new combined regulations, the Crisis Unit of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises that:
- Italian citizens and foreign nationals who reside in Italy and who are currently abroad may, where the means of transportation are operating, travel to Italy to return to their places of residence;
- similarly, Italian citizens who live abroad, foreign non-resident citizens, and tourists may, where the means of transportation are operating, leave Italy to return to their home countries and places of residence;
- travel to and from Italy is also permitted for proven work-related reasons (this provision also applies to cross-border workers);
Please be advised that there are currently no restrictions on the shipment of goods.
The official FAQs of the Italian Government with regards to the application of the #IoRestoaCasa Decree can be accessed here: http://www.governo.it/it/articolo/decreto-iorestoacasa-domande-frequenti-sulle-murii-adottate-dal-governo/14278.
A Ministerial Decree was issued on March 17, 2020, imposing 14-day self-isolation to anyone returning to Italy, regardless of whether showing any signs of illness. For more information and to consult the full text of the Decree, please visit the following website:
You are encouraged to check with airlines for flight status.
WARNING – Air Canada direct flights between Italy and Canada have been suspended until May 1st 2020.
According to the carrier, affected customers will be notified and offered travel options, including a full refund.
Some air routes connecting the major airports in Canada to Rome are still open, via New York JFK, for example (operated by Alitalia), or via Frankfurt and Munich (operated by Lufthansa / Air Canada). However, due to the evolving situation, those are constantly subject to changes. It is, therefore, recommended to regularly check the status of those flights by contacting the airlines directly.
Important update: with regards to entry into Canada, according to the latest official indications of the Canadian Government, travelers coming from Italy are invited, in particular, to:
- contact within 24 hours of arrival in Canada the Health Authorities of the Province or Territory in which they will reside.
- self-isolation at home for a period of 14 days, avoiding contact with individuals in precarious health condition and elderly people, and refraining from receiving visitors at home.
The provision also applies to entries from Italy in the 14 days preceding the date of issue of the notice (12 March 2020).
As of March 13, 2020, the Canadian government has added additional measures to combat COVID-19:
- home self-isolation is for all passengers coming from abroad;
- there are significant restrictions on air traffic. The arrival of international flights will be restricted to a small number of airports, still to be identified, where passenger screening measures will be implemented;
- cruises with more than 500 passengers will not be able to dock at Canadian ports until next July;
- Canadian citizens are recommended to avoid any non-essential overseas travel.
Furthermore, effective March 18, 2020, more restrictive measures in order to contain the spread of the virus in Canada have been put in place.
The Canadian government has banned all foreigners from entering the country. Exceptions are being made for permanent residents, aircrews, diplomats, and spouses of Canadian citizens. Another exception concerns US citizens, for whom there are no restrictions at this time. Self-isolation as a precautionary measure is strictly required, in addition to contacting the Canadian Health Authorities within 24 hours of arrival.
International flights will be limited to 4 airports only: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. Other Canadian airports will continue to operate domestic flights and flights coming from the United States, Mexico, the Caribbeans and St. Pierre and Miquelon.
The Canadian government has created a telephone line dedicated to information on the coronavirus: +1-833-784-4397.
Some Provinces can have specific rules. Please refer to the following links for more up-to-date information and contacts:
Alberta https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx
British Columbia http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2020/information-on-novel-coronavirus
Manitoba https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/coronavirus/
New Brunswick https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/ocmoh/cdc/content/respiratory_diseases/coronavirus.html#
Newfounland and Labrador https://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/coronavirus/
Northwest Territories https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/en/services/coronavirus-disease-covid-19
Nova Scotia https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
Nunavut https://www.gov.nu.ca/health/information/covid-19-novel-coronavirus
Prince Edward Island https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/coronavirus-covid-19-infection-frequently-asked-questions
Yukon https://yukon.ca/en/information-about-novel-coronavirus-yukoners
Since the situation is constantly evolving, it is recommended to refer to the latest updates on the Canadian Government’s Travel Advice website and on Farnesina’s Crisis Unit Viaggiare Sicuri portal.
For more information and updates on COVID-19 in Italy:
For information and updates on COVID-19 in Canada: