Italian voters who, for reasons of work, study or medical care are temporarily abroad for a period of at least three months during which would fall the date of the next referendum (abrogative referendum pursuant to art. 75 of the Constitution of 12 June 2022), as well as family members living with them, may exercise the right to vote by correspondence (art. 4-bis, paragraph 1, law of 27 December 2001, n. 459)receiving the electoral envelope containing the ballot papers at the address of temporary residence abroad.
In order to exercise their right to vote by correspondence, these voters must send TO THE MUNICIPALITY of registration in the electoral registers an explicit option by Wednesday, May 11, 2022.
The option (expressed through the appropriate model or on free paper) must be sent to the Municipality by post, fax, e-mail even not certified, or sent by hand, also to the Municipality, even by a person other than the one concerned.
The option, which must be accompanied by a copy of the voter’s valid identity document, must in any case contain the full foreign postal address to which the electoral envelope must be sent, the indication of the consular office responsible for the territory and a declaration certifying that the requirements for admission to voting by mail (that of being – for reasons of work, study or medical treatment – for a period of at least three months, during which the date of the consultations will fall, in a foreign country in which you are not registered resident, or that you are a family member living with a citizen who is in the aforementioned conditions).
The option must be made pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of 28 December 2000, n. 445 (single text of the laws and regulations on administrative documentation), declaring itself aware of the criminal consequences in case of false declarations (art. 76 of cited DPR 445/2000).
It is possible to revoke the option presented in the manner described above within the same period (11 May 2022).
Please notice that the option is only valid for the election to which it refers (in this case, for the referendum of 12 June 2022)