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Refund of Postal Savings Bonds and Postal Savings Booklet

To request a refund of postal savings bonds or of sums deposited in postal savings booklets, please follow this procedure:

1) Fill out the refund request form (mod. W14);

2) Fill out the choice of method of payment form (check or wire transfer). It is imperative that the form be filled out in a complete and legible manner, reporting all the required information.

3) Set an appointment through the Prenot@mi application system for the signature authentication. The applicant will have to present himself/herself at the Consulate General along with a valid photo ID, fiscal code number and the two forms duly filled out and unsigned, as they will be signed in front of the officer in charge. The signature authentication is subject to payment corresponding to art. 24 in the Consular fees table. Payments are accepted only in cash in Canadian dollars.

4) Once the authentication is obtained, the following must be sent to Poste Italiane Spa:

  1. both forms authenticated;
  2. copy of valid photo ID (Canadian or Italian);
  3. copy of fiscal codes;
  4. the original Postal Savings Bonds and/or Postal Savings Booklet. Before sending the documentation, we recommend you to photocopy front and back the Postal Savings Bonds; as for the Postal Savings booklet, to photocopy the first page of the booklet header and the one containing the balance.

The shipping address is the following:
Poste Italiane SpA
Operazioni Servizio Risparmio
Via di Tor Pagnotta, 2
00143 Roma

For further information, please contact one of the Patronati recognized by this Consulate General and operating in this Consular District.