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Vehicles and driving licenses

In accordance with art. 126, paragraph 9, of the Highway Code (Legislative Decree no. 285/1992): “For holders of an Italian driving license, resident or residing abroad for a period of at least six months, the validity of the license is confirmed, (… omitted …) by the Italian diplomatic-consular authorities present in the State, which issue, after verification of the physical and psychological requirements by the medical officers of the Italian embassies or consulates, a specific certificate that for the period of stay abroad is proof of the verification of the psychic and physical fitness requirements “.

The same paragraph also reads: “Anyone who has renewed their driving license with an Italian diplomatic-consular authority in a State that does not belong to the European Union or the European Economic Area is obliged, within six months of regaining residence in Italy, to renew the license according to the ordinary procedure provided for in paragraph 8», even if the renewed driving license is still valid.

It will be necessary for the compatriot to always keep the proof of the verification of the psychic and physical fitness requirements, together with the driving license, needed during the medical examination to confirm the validity in Italy, to demonstrate that the document has been renewed abroad and the absence of periods of lack of driving.

To request the renewal, the compatriot must produce the expired driving license (by no more than five years) to the Consulate General, together with a certificate issued by the Consulate General’s medical officer, whose contacts are:

Dr. Giuseppe Maiolo
Center Médical de Westmount
Address: 5217 Avenue King-Edward, Montreal, QC, H4V 2J8
Phone: +1 514-485-3833

It is up to the interested party to book the appointment, aimed at verifying the psycho-physical requirements on the basis of Italian national legislation, and pay the related fee.

Once the certificate has been obtained, an appointment can be booked to finalize the procedure at the Consulate General, by writing to

The renewal of the license is subject to the application of the “imposta di bollo” on the medical certificate (section ten, Art. NAA “Imposta di bollo”, on the Table of Consular Fees) and the fee for the renewal of the license (Article 66D).

Please note that the duration of category A and B licenses varies according to the age of the holder:

  • ten years for those up to 50 years of age
  • five years for those over 50
  • three years for those over 70

Category C licenses are valid for five years until the age of sixtyfive, then for two years. Category D licenses are valid for five years and for three years starting from the age of 70.