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Registry of Italians residing abroad (AIRE)

Law no. 470 of 1988 establishes that all citizens who transfer their residence abroad for a period exceeding 12 months must, within 90 days from the date of arrival in the country of destination, register in the Registry of Italian citizens residing abroad (AIRE). Even those who emigrated before the entry into force of this law must register.

Registration with the A.I.R.E. is a citizen’s right and duty (Article 6 of the aforementioned Law) and constitutes the prerequisite for taking advantage of a range of services provided by this Consulate General, as well as for the exercising of important rights.

Registration in A.I.R.E. will follow a request made to a Consulate by an adult Italian citizen that must be carried out within 90 days of transferring into its jurisdiction. Said registration occurs concurrently with the cancellation from the Register of the Resident Population (A.P.R.) of the Comune of origin in Italy.

You may register in AIRE or change your address through the FAST IT portal.

Registration in A.I.R.E allows you to:
1. receive the postcard or the electoral ballot in case of vote
2. facilitate and speed up the process of obtaining passports and other documents
3. request the registration of civil status documents
4. avoid undue taxation

What happens if you DO NOT register in A.I.R.E
Anyone who, having personal obligations, contravenes the provisions of the Law 24 December 1954, n. 1228, of the Law 27 October 1988, n. 470, and of the enforcement regulations of the aforementioned laws is subject to administrative fines, as provided by Law 30 December 2023, n. 213.

The competent Authority to ascertain and impose the sanction is the Municipality with whom the citizen is registered, not the Consulate.

The procedure adopted by municipalities for establishing and penalizing the conduct, is governed by law n. 689, art. 1. of 24 November 1981. It provides that “No one may be subject to administrative sanctions except by virtue of a law that came into force before the commission of the violation”.

For more information, it is recommended to read the information available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.