IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before proceeding, please read carefully the information provided here
The passport is a travel and identification document. The booklet contains 48 pages and a microchip, located in the cover, containing the personal data, the photo and the fingerprints of the owner.
Depending on your residence, the application for release must be forwarded to the competent office at the local level: in Italy, to the Police Headquarters or the Commissariats; abroad, to the diplomatic-consular representations. It is, therefore, a service that our Consulate General offers to fellow compatriots registered with AIRE. In particular circumstances, however, even an Italian citizen who is not resident in our district can request a passport. In this case, we must first acquire the “proxy” and the “nulla osta” from the Police Headquarters or the competent consular office. This implies that the processing time of the request will depend on the speed of response from the office in question.